Annotated Bibliography by Danielle Antony

  • Thesis: I plan to look at how the history behind Mexican-American culture and the story of La Malinche influences Clemencia’s character and the interpretation of the story “Never Marry A Mexican” by Sandra Cisneros.

1. Candelaria, Cordella. “La Malinche, Feminist Prototype.” Frontiers:  A Journal of       Women Studies. Vol. 5, No. 3, Chicanas en el Ambiente Nacional/Chicanas in the       National Landscape (Summer, 1980), pp. 1-6. University of Nebraska Press,       1980. Web. 20 Feb. 2011.

  • This source will be used to show the accuracy of the historical content in the story “Never Marry a Mexican”. It will help me explain the sexist identity that Clemencia inhabits, in terms of how she identifies with herself. It will also help me provide accurate background behind the name “Malinche” and what La Malinche stood for in her Aztec culture to her tribe and mother which might influence the way we read the text.


2. Karttunen, Frances E. Between Worlds: Interpreters, Guides, and Survivors.       [pp.1-84]. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1994. Print.

  • This source will be used to show the symbolism Sandra Cisneros uses when portraying the main character, Clemencia’s personality and relationship with Drew. The book talks about Mexican attitudes toward La Malinche are and the picture that remains distinct of how she was with Hernan Cortes. This book references whom Dona Marina  (La Malinche) identified with and how people identified her. This source will also be used to prove Cisneros accuracy and use of specific details to relate her character to a realistic woman.


3. Meier, Matt S. and Feliciano Ribera. Mexican American, American Mexican:       From Conquistadors to Chicanos. New York: Hill and Wang, 1993. Print.

  • This source will be used to reference more in depth history of the Mexican- American culture. I will use this book for statistics regarding Mexican-Americans today to highlight the cultural difference between Mexicans and Mexican Americans. This text talks about how the initial Mexican culture has developed over time. This will further relate to Clemencia’s character and her reactions to her misunderstood affair.


4.  Moore, Joan W. “Colonialism: The Case of the Mexican Americans”. pp. 463-      472. Social Problems: Coverage: 1953-2011 (Vols. 1-58).  University of       California Press, Vol. 17, No. 4 Spring 1970. Web. 20 Feb. 2011.


  • This source will help explain the issues with colonialism that are indirectly referred to in the story “Never Marry a Mexican”. This source mentions the differences between Mexican-Americans and native Mexicans. This journal also discusses the “cultural traits” associated with Mexican-Americans both by stereotype and by social scientists. Knowing the differences might help us develop a more accurate depiction of the supporting information given.