“Merit Pay,” Taylor Wucinich (2011) — Inquiry 4

For this fourth inquiry, I composed two public service announcement (PSA) scripts, concerning teacher merit pay. In my first PSA a woman, playing the role of a mother, was speaking to an audience of parents about the risks and potential harm of merit pay for …

“The Pepsi Generation,” Nikki Resor (2011) — Inquiry 2

Writer’s Reflection The advertisement I chose to rhetorically analyze was a Pepsi commercial that was aired in 2006 during the Super Bowl. This commercial features Britney Spears as an icon in past generations; each scene involves the refreshing goodness of Pepsi and how young people …

“Skype,” Ashley Tway (2011) — Inquiry 1

My alarm starts to beep and I roll over to look at my clock. Five-thirty in the morning. I immediately jolt out of bed and a smile spreads across my face. I quickly glance out my window to notice the sun barely beginning to creep …

“Research Blog on Persepolis,” Emily Stearns (2011) — Inquiry 2

[These were originally posted on this Student’s Blog.] 14 Feb Inquiry 2 Source http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?hid=17&sid=b501bea8-c137-454c-9ecd-a6d8377a68bd%40sessionmgr12&vid=9&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=a9h&AN=31976892 “Children Of The Revolution” I found this article very useful and interesting. I want to learn more about Persepolis as a film. I also want to find out the differences in the …