Research-Based Proposal Argument

About the Research-Based Proposal Argument

Argumentative writing requires you to find and integrate multiple sources in order to make a strong, cohesive argument. The audience for your Research-Based Proposal Argument may or may not be agreeable to your perspective and/or the solution you propose. Therefore, it is important that you address other sides and perspectives of the issue and support your argument with adequate evidence. Equally important is that your argument proposes a reasonable solution to the appropriate audience. Consider what is reasonably attainable, and who are the right audiences to make this change? How might you access that audience to create this change?

To establish your argument, you will need to integrate outside sources. In selecting your sources, utilize your rhetorical knowledge to assess credibility, relevance, and usefulness. You can find a helpful guide on avoiding and identifying fake news on.
To craft an effective argument, draw in differing perspectives and synthesize findings from your selected sources to support your proposed solution. All outside information should be properly credited to their original creators. Be sure to cite these sources correctly, according to the particular citation format your instructor requires.

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