Untitled Poem, Nanci Hunter (2016) — Inquiry 4

This poem can be downloaded in PDF format here: Nanci Hunter.docx

You can also listen to an audio recording of it here: Nanci Hunter Audio


In my opinion, Inquiry 4 was by far the hardest to complete in comparison to the

rest. I think I work better when I am given concrete instructions on what my final product

should contain and reflect. Though I can be creative, I would not consider such as one of

my strongest attributes. I will admit my first thought on completing Inquiry 4 was to go

the safe, quick, and easy route: PowerPoint. But I kind of wanted to challenge myself a

bit and be different. I thought of a media type that I felt would be the least likely to be

chosen and with this, I came up with the idea of a poem.

I will be the first to come right out and say I truly suck at poetry for the most part.

But I feel that my topic sparked a ‘Shel SIlverstein fire’ within me for some reason. As a

topic that I am passionate about, my ideas simply just flowed unlike any other piece of

creative writing that I have ever been assigned. Not only did the content flow but the

rhyming scheme as well. Overall, I feel that this is the best poem I have ever or will ever

write. It conveys the very idea that the N word, no matter the form is blasphemous and

this is my overall intent. I think me leaving the poem without a title is the most creative

part, as it forces the reader to digest and create a title for one’s self. I hope you enjoy!