Four hundred elephant carcasses: that is what was found in Cameroon a week ago. Despite the many organizations that are trying to save elephants, poaching is persevering. For poachers, it makes sense to kill the elephants so they can sell the ivory, but why do …
Beyond the Lunch Line by Emily Kiernan
Writer’s Reflection For Inquiry 3, I decided to write about the debate on reforming school cafeterias. This issue comes up frequently in my nutrition class, and it is something I am very interested but knew little about- so I felt it would be good to …
High School Censorship: Poor Policy and Pedagogy by Andrew Geisler
Writer’s Reflection This paper was not too difficult for me to write; however, I did have one specific struggle. I had a difficult time considering the other side of my issue (prior restraint on high school publications) because I feel like the position is untenable …
The Zombie Takeover: How Will You Endure? by Lucas Moore
Click here to read Lucas’ Inquiry 2A. To see how Lucas uses this topic for Inquiry 3 (Creative and Critical Application), click here. Writer’s Reflection This project has defiantly been a labor of love. I mean honestly, how often does one get to write about …
The Farley’s and PTSD by Logan Babcock
Writer’s Reflection I enjoyed this inquiry assignment. I haven’t looked at a book from different background approaches before and found the variety within The Human Stain to be surprising. I enjoyed the group panels and this paper because they all helped my understanding of the …
What’s Real vs. What’s Unreal by Madison Reger
Writer’s Reflection Inquiry 1 was a learning experience, and I feel like it taught me a valuable skill, close reading. I had never really “close read” before this assignment, but I feel like it is a good technique to know and although it felt rushed, …
Helpless and Innocent No More by Kelsey Freson
Picture a girl with a head bigger than the circumference of her waist and curves leading to her chest and hips that mimic a replica of the Grand Canyon. The hair atop her head never strays out of place and there is nothing but the …
The Search for a Bicultural Identity by Alysse Illigh
Writer’s Reflection I really enjoyed writing this essay. Because the prompt was open ended, it gave me the opportunity to be creative in my writing. I think I did a good job of supporting my main claim, that the differences between Chinese and American life …
Peace, Love and Spray Paint by Peggy Bullerjahn
Picture this: You’re walking down the street on a beautiful San Francisco day. You just took your mother, who is in town visiting, to the very popular China Town. On your way back, you two are laughing about your uncle’s dumb decision to spontaneously shave …
My Reflective Narrative by Chelsea Frank
Writer’s Reflection The idea my paper would have to focus on was fairly obvious to me once I thought it over for a bit; the narrative about how I spoke differently than your average high school graduate due to my upbringing was really the only …
A Different Medal of Honor by Megan Schaefer
It was the summer of 2008. School was right around the corner, and fall sports were in action. It was the last day of volleyball tryouts, and everyone was exhausted, due to the long week of strenuous conditioning and intensive drills. I had been playing …
A Year of Lying by Samantha Thurman
When people think of Smoothie King they think of nutrition, health, and losing weight. It’s not exactly the same for the people who work there. My coworkers and I used to joke about how our job is not to sell smoothies or get people to …