Without Rhetoric I wouldn’t be Here by Erin Collin

Reflective Narrative Award 2011 Writer’s Reflection For the most part, I think I accomplished what I set out to accomplish in this paper, to examine how the development of my rhetoric helped me accomplish a goal. I realized in the story that I couldn’t just …

Bible Pushers by Emma Foltz

Bedford St. Martin’s Digital/Multimedia Writing Award 2011 [custom_field field=”author” this_post=”1″ limit=”1″ between=”, ” /] [prezi id=”http://prezi.com/zyzs8qx_cduq/bible-pushers/”] Writer’s Reflection Bible Pushers, the Prezi presentation I completed for English 111, was a visual adaptation of a persuasive essay I wrote on a local issue. Because of my …

Adidas: Support Your Country, Buy Our Clothes by Adam Ellis

Writer’s Reflection Advertisements are cross-cultural artifacts that we take for granted in society and never usually spend time to understand. Everywhere we look and everywhere we go there are always ads. Companies spend millions of dollars each year on advertisements, hoping that consumers will purchase …