“Merit Pay,” Taylor Wucinich (2011) — Inquiry 4

For this fourth inquiry, I composed two public service announcement (PSA) scripts, concerning teacher merit pay. In my first PSA a woman, playing the role of a mother, was speaking to an audience of parents about the risks and potential harm of merit pay for …

Public Service Announcements: Greek Life by Joy Belser

PSA 1- Positive (students) [audio:https://ccm.miamiu.haydenmcneil.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Belser.ProGreek.mp3] My audience already knows that sororities and fraternities on campus get a bad reputation, but are curious about rushing on campus and what it entails.  My audience is interested in rushing, but is still unsure about what it is all …

Bible Pushers by Emma Foltz

Bedford St. Martin’s Digital/Multimedia Writing Award 2011 [custom_field field=”author” this_post=”1″ limit=”1″ between=”, ” /] [prezi id=”http://prezi.com/zyzs8qx_cduq/bible-pushers/”] Writer’s Reflection Bible Pushers, the Prezi presentation I completed for English 111, was a visual adaptation of a persuasive essay I wrote on a local issue. Because of my …